Personal Development Classes

We have a variety of interesting and engaging topics designed specifically for individuals with developmental disabilities on a variety of subjects such as: relationship skills, emotional regulation, life skills, and self-advocacy. These classes are offered to individuals who receive funding from Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD).

The curriculum is developed by our team of Support Approach Consultants to meet the unique learning needs of each group participant. Classes will be customized and materials use plain language and pictures to maximize learning, including the use of videos, audio recordings, and written materials. Participants can expect a fun and positive atmosphere. Activities may include brainstorming sessions, movement and stretching, puzzles, games, worksheets, and more!

Classes are offered two to three times per year and class size is limited to 10 participants. There is a cost of $10 per session.

Check out the News & Events page for announcements of upcoming dates.

Classes Offered

Class Name Topics Covered Participant Criteria Duration
Meeting new people, conversations, communication, healthy boundaries, friendships and dating Open to all 10 weeks
Budgeting, income and expenses, banking, understanding credit, being a good consumer The focus of this group will be basic money skills including identification of coins and bills and commonly purchased items. This learning opportunity will also work towards building basic daily and/or weekly budgets. This class is open to all skill levels. 10 weeks
Identifying emotions, accepting emotions, coping strategies, mindfulness techniques, managing emotions during crisis situations Strong verbal communication skills an asset, basic relationship skills an asset, some ability to understand abstract concepts and interest in the subject matter 10 weeks
Sexual diversity and gender identity, healthy relationships, healthy sexual decision making, boundaries and abuse, anatomy, STIs, contraception, sex and the law Strong verbal communication skills an asset, basic relationship skills an asset, some ability to understand abstract concepts and interest in the subject matter 10 weeks
Self-advocacy and self-awareness, advocating while in service, abuse prevention and reporting, being involved in the community, rights and responsibilities, self-esteem Open to all 10 weeks
Internet safety, online bullying, online shopping, social media awareness Strong verbal communication skills an asset, some ability to understand basic computer skills, and experience using internet-based media 10 weeks
Canada’s Food Guide, nutrients, vitamins and minerals, reading food labels and menus, mindful eating. This group is NOT a substitute for advice from a medical professional, personalized advice or guidance will not be provided Open to all 10 weeks

Want More Information?

Be sure to check out the News and Events page to find out when the next sessions are being offered.

Get in Touch



    I've never done a virtual meeting before, can I still attend?
    • We use a user-friendly program that is free and easily accessible
    • We recommend that participants and/or their support staff be familiar with the virtual platform in order to get the best class experience
    • Participants/staff can request links to platform instructions
    What if I do not receive supports from PDD?
    • As we are funded through PDD, we can only accept participants who are supported by PDD and have a  PDD ID number
    Where are interviews and classes held?
    • Interviews will be held virtually
    • Interviews occur back to back, so if you are late or early to your interview, it is likely someone else will be interviewing and/or there may not be enough time to complete your full interview.
      • Please ensure you are on time. When you sign in, you will be placed in the ‘waiting room’ until the time of your scheduled interview
    • Applicants must attend an interview for each class applied for (e.g., if you applied for two classes you will need to attend two interviews, etc.)
    •  In person, classes are held at 1914 9th Ave SE (large bluish-grey Victorian style house)
    • This location is an office building that does not have a waiting area or reception, so please ensure that you arrive on time to your  classes
    • Doors will be unlocked approximately 15 minutes prior to the class start time
    How do I enter the building?
    • Please use the double glass doors facing 9th Avenue
    • The doors will be unlocked 15 minutes prior to the start of class
    • If you require a wheelchair ramp for access, it is located at the back of the building
    • There will be signs posted around the building
    • Please do not ring the doorbell, it does not work
    How do I book an interview?
    • To book an interview, please include your information on the contact form, and we will get in touch with you
    What can I expect during the interview?
    • A facilitator will reach out to you to schedule an interview
    • Interviews typically last approximately 15 – 30 minutes which will allow the facilitator to ask some questions, get to know you, and go over important information
    • Interviews are held virtually and are booked back-to-back so please ensure you log in on time
      • If you are late, there may not be enough time to conduct the interview
    • Those who have applied for multiple classes must attend an interview for each class
      • For example, if you apply for two classes, you will be required to attend two separate interviews
    I am not able to attend the interview, can I still come to the class?
    • If you are unable to attend the interview date(s), please email us to see if it is possible to re-schedule
    • Please note, re-scheduling may not always be possible
    • Interviews are held during the week or two weeks prior to the classes beginning and are held on the same day of the week as the class.
      • For example, if “Speak Up” is scheduled for Wednesday afternoons, interviews will be on a Wednesday afternoon
    Can I apply if I have taken the class before?
    • Yes! You are welcome to apply if you have taken the class before, space permitting
    • If there is high demand, priority will go to those who have not taken the class recently
    • Please also note that subject matter and material may be the same or similar to past sessions
    I missed the application deadline. Can I still apply?
    • Late applications may still be considered for acceptance if time and space allow
    • If classes have already started you will not be able to join
      • Please re-apply next time
    The class that I want to attend isn’t on a day of the week that works for me. What can I do?
    • We try our best to vary the day of the week that classes are on to ensure interested participants have an opportunity to attend the class they want and can still balance other commitments
    • You may forward your day of the week request to us and we will try to accommodate in the future
    Can or should my support staff attend the classes with me?
    • Participants can attend classes with or without support staff
    • If you have staff support during the time that class is scheduled, please bring them with you
    • Facilitators are present to teach the material and are unable to meet specific support needs (e.g., behavioural support, personal care, supervision etc.)
    I can’t cope with group settings but I could really benefit from the material. Are there other options?
    • Please contact us should this be a concern for you
    Do the in person classes have field trips or off-site activities as part of the class?
    • No, all classes take place on-site at 1914 9th Ave SE